Friday, 25 February 2011
Short & Extended Promos For Vampire Diaries 'Know Thy Enemy' Ep. 217
6 weeks.... be strong people.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Webclip for "The House Guest"
Monday, 21 February 2011
Ian Somerhalder Confirmed for EyeCon
Get your wallets out, ladies! Ian has been confirmed to attend EyeCon on Sunday, March 27, 2011. Hi appearance is on behalf of The IS Foundation, which means autograph (and photo ops) will cost extra, but hey, you'll be helping the Earth AND getting to meet Ian. Can't beat that!
Friday, 18 February 2011
Team Dalaric
Ian Somerhalder Spam: "The Dinner Party" GIF
Short and Extended Promos for "The House Guest"
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
New Stills For The Vampire Diaries 'The House Guest' Episode 2.16
Ian Spam: Valentine's Special
vampire diaries' damon & elena ~ i love you, elena (i was wrong) from Nienke91 on Vimeo.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Ian Somerhalder Valentine Wallpaper
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Hot EW Outtakes of Ian Somerhalder and the cast of The Vampire Diaries!!

Web Clip for "The Dinner Party"
Friday, 11 February 2011
Promos For 'The Dinner Party' Vampire Diaries Episode 2.15
Thanks MiI2aCIe for the videos!
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Ian Somerhalder Talks to TV Guide
Ian recently sat down to talk to TV Guide. Interesting tidbits about Damon's relationship with Rose, Andie, and of course, Katherine and Elena.
Enjoy the excerpt below and see the rest over at TV Guide!
Whether it's Rose or "Miss Sexy Reporter Girl" with whom Damon is spending time, it always comes back to the very specific feelings he has for both Elena and her mean vampire doppelganger Katherine.""There are two women that look identical and you're in love with both of them," he says. "That is the ultimate Damon challenge — that's his journey."
Be Ian Somerhalder's Valentine & Help Heal The World!
"Be My Valentine. Donate To Help Heal The World."
-Ian Somerhalder, TV Star (LOST, The Vampire Diaries, CSI: Miami) and Activist
In the spirit of unity, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation ( is collaborating with PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics to raise funds to heal our planet in our Valentine's Day Charity Auction!
THE IS FOUNDATION aims to empower, educate, and collaborate with individual and group projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures. We view the environment as an interconnected organism of which we are not separate, but an integrated part. To learn more about how the IS Foundation uses its funds, click here.
PEACEKEEPER CAUSE-METICS works with women and their families who live at the base of the economic pyramid to empower them through a connection to organic farming and environmental activism. We offer the opportunity to pursue an education, a trade, and a way out. For information about the PeaceKeeper Fund at the Triskeles Foundation, click here.
The largest donor to the Valentine's Day Charity Auction will win a juicy IS Foundation Gift Basket, which includes:
--An official personal message from Ian to YOU
--Official IS Foundation t-shirt, gym bag, cap, and oh-so-sexy boyshort undies
--An invitation to a VIP tour for two at Mystic Falls, Atlanta, where Ian's hit TV show The Vampire Diaries is filmed (transportation not included).
The 20 largest donors after the winner will receive a PeaceKeeper Cause-Metics Gift Basket (valued at $100.00) which contains our award-winning lipstick, gloss, nail polish and lip balms. In a tie, winners will be chosen by date and time on a first-come, first-win basis. All donors will be sent a confirmation email containing both companies' tax numbers so your donation is completely tax-deductible!
By making even the smallest donation, you are helping us achieve our mutual goal of world harmony and peace. Now That's Beautiful™!"
Click HERE to enter and find out more.
Ian Somerhalder Talks to TV Squad
TV SQUAD: How do you decide how much to show and how much to hold back with such a layered character?
IAN: [Laughs] That's the $6 million question, isn't it? It's one of those things where you say, "Wow, how much do you give off? How much do you show?" I mean, it's like that in life; that's what's such a bummer about us as humans, and also vampires -- because [Damon] does it as well -- we hide so much. We're so afraid of being vulnerable because it might show weakness ...He's getting it off of his chest, but it's not really helping, because, sure, he can tell someone how he's feeling, but he's not forced to have any further conversation or repercussions or results, so he just kind of wallows in it.
He chooses a girlfriend for a little while ... Like Kevin [Williamson, executive producer] said, Damon's an eligible bachelor in Mystic Falls; if he doesn't have a girlfriend or a girl that he's with on a regular basis, people may start questioning what's going on. So, he chooses to compel the super hot, witty local newscaster, and sort of have his outlet to divulge his feelings, yet not really have to answer to them
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Just Jared Interview with Ian Somerhalder

JJ: Let’s talk about your IS Foundation. Has environmental protection always been a passion? Was there a specific experience that influenced your decision to launch it?
IS: Environmental protection was always a big thing for me. I grew up on the marshes of Louisiana; literally my front yard was thousands of acres of marsh. It was all in my dream to be part of an organization that protected the environment, but the Gulf oil spill was ultimately what made me drop the hammer immediately and say that “this is enough”. Watching my entire home be destroyed because of the lack of regulatory commissions for fossil fuels and the amount of back scratching that goes into the petroleum industry - or even any large industry. It changed my life and the lives of a lot people … This also involves cruelty and overpopulation issues with animals, so this is one of the most phenomenally inspiring thing I’ve ever been in involved in. The amount of support for this foundation goes above and beyond. Obviously it’s invariably difficult to raise money in a time of economic depression which we’re about to get into, but it’s so inspiring. Put it this way: a 6-year-old girl sent me an e-mail saying she gave our foundation her tooth fairy money to help save the planet and it blew my mind. She asked what she can do to help and I just thought that this girl is going to be the president one day.It's been awhile since I posted, and most of you know this, but GADS, I LOVE THIS MAN. That is all. Please go on over to the IS Foundation's page and donate whatever you can. The foundation deserves whatever help we can afford to give.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Another New Interview With Ian On Damon's New Girlfriend

In case you haven’t heard, Damon’s getting a girlfriend!
The moody broody vamp is following in his brother’s footsteps and enjoying the company of a gorgeous human gal. But, as Ian Somerhalder tells TVLine, this doesn’t mean Damon’s love for Elena (played by Nina Dobrev) is gone. In fact, his battle with all those icky feelings only gets worse.
“Sometimes you just have to eat people,” Somerhalder laughs, referring of course to the end of last week’s episode where his growing heart resulted in the death of an innocent bystander.
“This whole ‘feeling thing’ is really starting to weigh on Damon and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for him to quell those feelings,” he tells us. “That frustration, compounded with the danger and problematic nature of having this werewolf thing and the Klaus thing — there are a lot of odds stacked against him”
Pile on Damon’s pesky love for Elena, and you’ve trouble ahead for the vamp. Previews Somerhalder, “The fact that Elena, this beautiful creature that he just adores, could fall to another entity and he has no control over it, really pisses him off. He has to protect what he loves, and he and Stefan will come together and make this Klaus thing happen.”
Enter Andie Star (played by Dawn Olivieri) as Damon’s new girlfriend. Sadly, this is no love story. ”Damon gets a hot beard, who just so happens to be a local newscaster,” Somerhalder explains. ”She’s super-fun to be around, and she’s a woman, not a high school girl. She adds a totally different dynamic to the show. She’s very quirky, very witty, she doesn’t have anything to lose. She’s not running from any supernatural entity, she’s just a person — but underneath it all, it’s sad that the only way he can express his real feelings is when he has compelled someone not to do anything.”
Now, about that much-talked about death coming at the end of TVD‘s second season: Somerhalder says he’s still in the dark, but “no one’s safe. It’s like Lost! You can just off whichever character you want — ‘Oh, a werewolf killed him!’ I do know that the werewolves will have to be dealt with. And poor Tyler. Jules is really hot, though, so maybe they can run off and have pretty little werewolf husky babies.”
(Remind us again why Ian doesn’t write this show?)
Oh a different note, most of you know about Somerhalder’s charity by now, and since many of you asked, here’s a little update on the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, from the man himself:
“It is amazing how things have come together and how much support we get from people. This seven-year-old girl sent me an email the other day saying, ‘Mr. Somerhalder, I sent my tooth fairy money to your foundation to help save the world.’ She says she understands that she’s too young to have voice yet, but she will someday, and she’d like to start helping at her school. And it’s that kind of inspirationevery day that blows my mind.”
Keep your IS Foundation support coming, and don’t miss Ian on The Vampire Diaries Thursdays at 8/7c on The CW (US) and Tuesday at 9pm on ITV2 (UK)
Source: TVLine
New Ian Somerhalder Interview with PopWrap

PopWrap: First of all, congrats on an amazing episode last week. What did you make of Damon's closing breakdown?
Ian Somerhalder: Aw, thanks man. It was a great one. The thing is that I am as confused as an actor as Damon is as an individual by virtue of the fact that he is such a phenomenally different character than I ever anticipated or planned on him being. Which is great because when it throws him for a loop, it throws me for a loop, so I'm constantly being kept on my toes.
PW: Yea, he does seem to be having a bit of a crisis right now.
Ian: And we all have those cliché man’s existential crisis moments – goodness, as a young man in my twenties, I was in search of finding an answer for it. He truly is experiencing, more than likely, for the first time in 150 years how this whole "feeling" thing works. It is really difficult to grapple with.PW: I'd imagine that delivering that emotional monologue also took quite a bit out of you.
Ian: That was a very cathartic few hours not only for Damon, but also for me. Sometimes those types of scenes are really, really interesting because they come from a place deep within yourself. You are forced to put yourself through what that character is going through, so there’s an interesting connection there for an actor. This little journey that senior Damon is on is one to be reckoned with. He’s asking real serious questions that we’ve all asked ourselves. It just happens to be coming from a person who is 160 plus years old [laughs].PW: You said before that Damon today is totally different than how you envisioned him. Could you expand upon that?
Ian: I had called Kevin [Williamson, co-creator], freaking out because I wasn’t ripping more people’s heads off and dancing half-naked with sorority girls. He told me, “Damon is evolving.” There is a 100 episode arc to this guy’s journey and he must evolve … or die.PW: So you just weren't anticipating his evolution happening so quickly?
Ian: One of the appeals of the show is that it moves very quickly, which is fun because TV doesn’t typically move that way all the time. So Damon went through a pretty quick process of coming to town with an agenda to finding out that his agenda was completely wrong to staying in town because he started to care for people. That raised the stakes for him in a big way. When you forge relationships, you run the risk of caring. That makes it hard to walk away. And Damon, unfortunately, found himself subconsciously wanting to nurture those relationships. Now, he really cares about someone he wouldn’t have normally given a flying s*** about, pardon my French [laughs].PW: It seems like his relationship with Elena almost opened him up to care about Rose so deeply.
Ian: We’re starting to see human similarities in him, which I understand are important, but it’s a fine balance between having him be Damon but not be Stefan. Stefan has this beautiful humanity but in all reality, Stefan has just grown really good -- through lots of discipline -- at controlling his urge to kill. Because don’t forget, Stefan natural instincts are to kill.PW: Would you say that we're about to see Damon's dangerous side emerge again?
Ian: It’s difficult to create that fine line of being a caring individual and having him be a brutal killer who can, like Stefan, just turn it off. Does he have the capacity to love? That is his journey onto itself. Damon, I truly think, is being taken for a ride. This emotional journey for him is really difficult. But whether Damon helps a kitten out of a tree or brutally rips someone’s head off, he’ll do it in his own way. And he’ll probably do both of them with the exact same smile.PW: Will Jules find herself on the receiving end of that smile?
Ian: Jules poses a threat to all that Damon stands for right now. Yes, she’s extremely hot, but a major pain in the ass. So we're really going to show that when someone you deeply care about needs you, you’ll set aside your feelings, your ability to feel pain. Think of that mother who lifts a wrecked car off her child. We can find insane amounts of strength when it comes to protecting those we care about. He’s fighting for something that’s bigger than he is and that changes everything.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Friday, 4 February 2011
Massive Thanks To Our Bloggers!
Also I want to thank SparksTP for everything she has done also. She designed the site and made the lush banner. For all the blogging she does and the laughs she gives me on a daily basis.
Thank you girls, you're both amazing!
If you visit Lost In Ian please feel free to leave any comments in the posts. We'll be continuing to support Ian and all his work for his foundation. So if your a regular here, please spread the word. You can also follow us on twitter @LostInIan
Damon Bath/Shower Scenes
Stills From The Vampire Diaries Episode 2.15: 'The Dinner Party'
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Vote for The Vampire Diaries & Ian Somerhalder in TV Guide Magazine’s 2011 Fan Favorites Awards
Start voting for Ian Somerhalder & The Vampire Diaries right now!
You can vote as often as you’d like until Tuesday, February 15 at midnight EST.
They’ll reveal the winners in the April 18 issue of TV Guide Magazine! For more info:
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Old Interview With Ian Somerhalder: 7 Things By NewsWeek
Woah...I've never seen this before, but obviously it was shot a long time ago as Ian mentions at the start that he was going back to Hawaii to shoot the final scenes for lost.
But hold the phone, Ian has a girlfriend?!
Also I never knew he auditioned for a role in True Blood and got rejected!! Bet Alan Ball is crying into his cup of fake blood now for making that decision.
Is it wrong that I'm glad he got rejected? Because then he wouldn't be playing Damon and I honestly can't imagine another actor filling that role.
Official Synopsis For Ep15 'The Dinner Party'
STEFAN TELLS ELENA ABOUT HIS DARKEST DAYS — Stefan tells Elena about a dark time in his history and the surprising person whose influence changed everything. After getting the truth out of Luka, Jonas makes his feelings clear to Bonnie and Jeremy. Trying to catch Elijah off-guard, Damon arranges a dinner party for him with Jenna, Alaric and Andie (guest star Dawn Olivieri), but last-minute information throws Damon’s plan into chaos.