I am aware I am a dork. LOL
Friday, 24 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam
I post this because I am a huge bookworm and I would just LOVE to walk into my house and find him reading a classic.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam: Dalaric Special
I wish I could somehow REALLY express to you all how much I love this video. Team Dalaric FTW!!!
Two big thumbs up to ruslanaslastena for this vid!!
Two big thumbs up to ruslanaslastena for this vid!!
Monday, 20 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam
My friend Ash, who I dearly love and appreciate, sent me this. Cause she knows I'm utterly obsessed.
Oh, to find him in a bow under my tree...

LOVES IT. Gives me hope for this X-mas. LOL
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam: Isobel's Return
Who can blame the woman for trying to stop him from zipping up those pants?
So. Freaking. Hot.
CW Source and TV Guide Interviews with The Vampire Diaries Cast and Ian Somerhalder
Check out this TV Guide interview where Ian discusses Stefan, Elena, and how their relationships are unfolding this season.
You can also check out the CW Source interview over at Blood Falls. CW Source talks Behind the Scenes with The Vampire Diaries cast and other fun little tidbits. I love Ian's bromance with Matt Davis, who's hilarious on Twitter by the way! Ian continues to be lovely to his fans. As if we could love him any more than we already do.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Official Ian Somerhalder Foundation Website is Up!

Exciting news! The official IS Foundation website is up and running! There's some really cool stuff up, including a lovely message from Ian to his fans. Excerpt:
Feeling the support towards the dream that the IS Foundation represents was literally the best birthday gift ever. It couldn’t have been so special, so powerful without YOU, each and every one of you. Thank you so much.I can't wait to fully explore the site and find out how fans can get involved. Please go see it and help make Ian's dream of a better future for our planet come true! Seriously, go check the IS Foundation site now!
Daily Ian Spam- Death by Ian
I tried to post Ian spam on a daily basis, I failed. Now I feel like I'm not living up to the version of my best self...

And isn't he? LOL
Yum. Yum. Yum.
To make it up, I'll give you the three days worth of Spam I couldn't post. A pic, a GIF, and a vid.
I could just slide right onto that lap...

I am DEAD.
And isn't he? LOL
Yum. Yum. Yum.
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Short & Extended Promos for The Descent
A long, cruel, and excruciating wait is upon us fans of The Vampire Diaries.
Episode 12, "The Descent" does not air until January 27th, but the short and extended promos are up! Looks intense!
This wait is already feeling torturous and it has literally just begun.
Via Blood Falls
Episode 12, "The Descent" does not air until January 27th, but the short and extended promos are up! Looks intense!
This wait is already feeling torturous and it has literally just begun.
Via Blood Falls
Daily Ian Spam: Fan Vid
One of my fave fanvids. Looks like I am bound to suffer through more Rose/Damon interaction so I need to find more Delena goodies...LOL.
And it's not even that Elena and Stefan are getting it on or that Damon and Elena aren't! I just don't like Rose very much. LOL I want MORE for Damon, not just some "special friend." If they give him an actual honest to goodness relationship, I can get behind that.
Special thanks to definingdreams for this wonderful vid!
And it's not even that Elena and Stefan are getting it on or that Damon and Elena aren't! I just don't like Rose very much. LOL I want MORE for Damon, not just some "special friend." If they give him an actual honest to goodness relationship, I can get behind that.
Special thanks to definingdreams for this wonderful vid!
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Kristin Interviews Ian Somerhalder Pt.2
Part 2 of Kristin's interview with our fave man, Ian Somerhalder.
Zap2it on the Scene of 'The Vampire Diaries': Michael Trevino, Candice A...
Carina Adly MacKenzie aka @cadlymack, from Zap2It, has a great write up with details about this week's episode of The Vampire Diaries,"By The Light Of The Moon." I love Michael Trevino, and it seems like everyone had great things to say about the mid-season finale episode which will give him some time in the spotlight! See the vid below for some of the scoop! Ian talks werewolves and women!
Check out the rest of the interview via Zap2It!
Check out the rest of the interview via Zap2It!
Daily Ian Spam
So, ever since Ian Somerhalder (as Damon), bath tubs, and bubble baths were mentioned today, my body has been nothing but a receptacle for sheer wanton lust. When @cadlymack tweeted this pic to tide us over until she posts her interview, I just...I can't even tell you.

I am aware he's been working all day on his birthday (go donate to IS Foundation) and is probably exhausted, but Sweet Baby Jesus! HIS HAIR IS STILL WET and oh Lawd, the images dancing in my head!

I am aware he's been working all day on his birthday (go donate to IS Foundation) and is probably exhausted, but Sweet Baby Jesus! HIS HAIR IS STILL WET and oh Lawd, the images dancing in my head!
The Vampire Diaries - Marathon Preview
I am such a fangirl I will watch these again. For like the 6th time.
As a reminder, beginning Monday, December 13th, the CW will air a marathon session (10 episodes in 5 nights) of The Vampire Diaries. Get all your non-TVD friends on board! If they don't, they suck, and not in a good way. J/K!! But not really.
Here's the promo for the marathon!
Source | Source
As a reminder, beginning Monday, December 13th, the CW will air a marathon session (10 episodes in 5 nights) of The Vampire Diaries. Get all your non-TVD friends on board! If they don't, they suck, and not in a good way. J/K!! But not really.
Here's the promo for the marathon!
Source | Source
Entertainment Weekly Talks With Ian Somerhalder

Ian has been a busy guy with all these interviews!! Mandy Bierly, of EW, sat down with our main man, Ian Somerhalder, to get some deets on The Vampire Diaries and The IS Foundation.
On Damon:
"Basically, Damon, as much as he fights it, is starting to feel. And that angers him. It scares him. It’s just different for him, and he doesn’t quite know how to deal with it,” he says. “I was talking to my father, and his dog, our family dog, is a rural country dog. She’s never been on a leash, this animal. We’re taking her this winter to our house in the mountains where we’re gonna spend Christmas. We’re gonna bring her. We want our dog with us. My dad is gonna drive across country, and he said [Laughs] he tried to teach her how to walk on a leash, and she flipped out. The dog’s 10 years old. It’s so difficult teaching an old dog new tricks, and Damon is unbelievably uncomfortable on that metaphorical leash of humanity. It’s been so long since he felt like this that it’s freaking him out. Another element shows up to Mystic Falls that again compromises and endangers what he started to love, and so the stakes get raised again. At the end of this episode, it’s pretty heavy for him.”On the IS Foundation:
“One thing that’s a blessing and a curse to people like us who grow up in the United States of America,” he continues, “is we have the most phenomenal boundaries: Canada on one side, Mexico on one side, and these two vast oceans. What that prevents kids from America from doing is traveling abroad very easily by virtue of the fact that it’s costly and that it’s a long way to go. It’s limiting in a big way. If you speak to a lot of youth in America, they generally haven’t been out of the country because it’s so huge, and they don’t really realize what’s out there and how amazing the world is and how delicate it is. I want to allow educational programs to get kids out, to get them to see what else is out there and be aware how it’s all working..."
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Hollywood Crush Interview with Ian Somerhalder
He also talks about the IS Foundation and how much it means to him! Let's support it in honor of his birthday! Donate here.
Read the interview over at Hollywood Crush!
Ian on E! with Kristin Santos
I haven't even been able to watch this, but enjoy!! Doesn't it feel like it's OUR b-day and not his with all these interviews?! Psst! Speaking of his birthday, please go donate to the IS_foundation!
TV Squad Talks To Ian Somerhalder
He talks Damon/Elena, his bromance with Matt Davis, and Damon's existential
crisis. LOL
Can I love him any more? I mean, really.
Remember today is Ian's birthday! Let's support him in all his endeavors! Please go donate to the IS Foundation!
Happy Birthday Ian Somerhalder!!
Its Ian's Birthday today (December 8th) and on behalf of us bloggers @SnarkyDee @riverrunswild @SparksTP & @TeamSpaceHeaters at Lost In Ian we would like to wish Ian a very happy birthday!
As we've previously reported Ian has made a foundation as a birthday gift to himself. All he's asking for is some support and if you can afford it to donate $32, which is a dollar for every year of his life. If you can't afford that much then please feel free to donate as much or as little as you can, every penny helps!!
This is what Ian has to say from his official foundation website:
Supporting and nurturing all life on this pretty blue planet is a very important commitment I am taking to the next level. You may have heard that to create positive change I’ve started a foundation. Well it’s true! The IS Foundation aims to empower, educate & collaborate with people & projects to positively impact the planet and its creatures. I'm so very excited to be able to connect with everyone who wants to see change. Because of my heart-centered commitment, this year, my one and ONLY birthday wish is to help our planet and our furry friends.
Instead of gifts this year, my birthday wish is that we come together and raise funds to support projects that protect our habitat and nurture our furry friends. If people truly feel like giving me a gift for my birthday this year, I hope you will consider giving a donation to the foundation. Giving to the foundation would be the best gift I could ever wish for, it would give us a chance to make change together.
With birthday wish campaigns, it is customary to suggest a donation in relation to the age the person will be turning...Whoa... 32 years old this year, how did that happen? Whether you choose to give 32 dollars or more, or less, I’m going to appreciate your involvement in the IS Foundation start up in an immeasurable way. If you have it in your heart to donate, I want to thank you right now..... THANK YOU!
I can’t wait to begin working together with all of you. Please donate, it would mean the world to me and allow us to make change happen now as well as, put into play long-term change for our world and it’s inhabitants.
Love, Ian
Please please please do everything you can to help and visit Ian's official website by clicking HERE
Thank you!
Daily Ian Spam: The Best of Damon Salvatore
If you don't hear from me for a couple of days, I died happily. Bury me with my Taycob standee and my Ian porn, I mean, movies.
Now updated with Part 5, which she just posted today!
Thanks @xxxsagafanxxx!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Ian Somerhalder on The Jimmy Kimmel Show
Ian being his usual wonderful self and making us crave pizza. Off his stomach if possible. (Now updated with video from Jimmy Kimmel YT channel)
Is it me or did he look EXTRA super delicious last night?
P.S. You might be able to see me fangirling in that Miami vid if you try really really hard! Ok, not really, but I was there, front row. LOL
Originally Via @BLUEEYESIAN
Is it me or did he look EXTRA super delicious last night?
P.S. You might be able to see me fangirling in that Miami vid if you try really really hard! Ok, not really, but I was there, front row. LOL
Originally Via @BLUEEYESIAN
Daily Ian Spam: Lost City Raiders Special
I haven't seen it. But I will soon...I will buy it cause I'm a fangirl and these promo shots are so pretty and I just can't stop myself. LOL
Monday, 6 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam: Nylon Special
I love this shoot. I love the photos. I love the videos. I love the clothing Nina wore (the shoes!!). I especially love how they tease each other and seem to have a great relationship.
I even love that they look like they could be drunk at the after-party. (An extra LOL for the chick who just walked up to Ian and took a bite.)
I even love that they look like they could be drunk at the after-party. (An extra LOL for the chick who just walked up to Ian and took a bite.)
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam: Serenade Special
Saturday, 4 December 2010
The Vampire Diaries May Return From Hiatus on January 27th?! And Possible New Time.

WOW. This is MAJOR.
Not only is the mid-season hiatus apparently longer than I thought it would be, but there's a possibility The Vampire Diaries could be moved to Tuesday nights due to Idol? Definitely a lot to ponder on. Thoughts?
Check it out via @SpoilerTV
Ian Somerhalder- Backstage on Leno
Skip to 1:46 unless you wanna see Jane Fonda showing off her bod.
He talks about the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (go donate in honor of his birthday!!) and his fans.
Ian, I love you. Your fans are only dedicated to you as we are because you are SO wonderful. You are truly an inspiration!
Daily Ian Spam- Get To Know Ian Somerhalder
15 minutes past midnight (boss really needs to stop cock blocking my internet time by making me work late)...who doesn't want a little Ian Somerhalder in their life?
One of my fave interviews. It's quirky and fun. He kills it like always. I love that he watches anything on The Animal Planet. He's such an animal lover and we adore him for it. LOL
UNF. And that scruff. And those eyes.
One of my fave interviews. It's quirky and fun. He kills it like always. I love that he watches anything on The Animal Planet. He's such an animal lover and we adore him for it. LOL
UNF. And that scruff. And those eyes.
Friday, 3 December 2010
The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Episode 11 Promo!
There's no Ian in this promo but I thought you might want to see it anyway... its um hot!
People's Choice Awards Reminder: Vote for Ian and The Vampire Diaries!

Quick reminder that voting ends on November 7th!! Let's make Ian and the rest of the cast PCA winners!
You can head on over to the People’s Choice Awards website to vote. You can also tweet the following to get your votes in:
I just voted for The Vampire Diaries #scififantasyshow #PeoplesChoice Retweet to vote! http://t.co/QvM3hAj via @peopleschoice
I just voted for The Vampire Diaries #tvdrama #PeoplesChoice. Retweet to vote! http://t.co/xGkIS5L via @peopleschoice
I just voted for Ian Somerhalder #tvdramaactor #PeoplesChoice. Retweet to vote! http://t.co/59vCrWU via @peopleschoice
The winners will be announced on January 5th, 2011. Originally, I wanted a hat if he made an appearance. Now I want a tailored suit a la Leno. UNF.
Ian Tweets Backstage Pic from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

I hope you watched Ian being his usual intoxicating and brilliant self on Leno tonight. I was actually productive at work today, so here's the pic Ian tweeted earlier today!
He's so amazing. Seriously, how charming was he?!
Ian Somerhalder on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Not the greatest quality, but I'll upload something better when I find it. Check out his pants. Just sayin'. *whistles innocently* (Update: Better quality vid posted via charlieclairelost)
Thanks YT user gwennie1988!
Thanks YT user gwennie1988!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Daily Ian Spam: Late Night Special
I'm 20 minutes past midnight, but here's a good one. One of the sexiest fan vids I've ever seen.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
New Festive Ian Somerhalder Wallpaper
Ian Somerhalder Interview with Vegas Magazine

So a few days ago, I posted the beautiful picture you see here, but not the corresponding interview. Ian sheds light on some interesting subjects, from food to the IS Foundation. Check out the interview via Vampire Diaries Online.
*sighs* This pic has quickly gone up the ranks in faves.
Ian Somerhalder is Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel!

Looks like they're throwing us a couple of bones for our devoted suffering in the name of The Vampire Diaries. In addition to appearing on Leno, Ian will also make a guest appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Show on December 6th! *Happy dance*
The Vampire Diaries - Preview Clip for The Sacrifice
urevi^$!)ebviuefgvr4fw3^!&%!*eion39084yh49reqvcuo cu347@!(@^!@gvb!!!!! General Damon awesomeness? Check! Elena saying she cares about both of them? Check!! Super intense look between the two? CHECK!!!!!!!!!!
Be still my frantic heart!! I. Cannot. Wait.
Daily Ian Spam: Blood Brothers Pt. 2
So, my withdrawal symptoms have reached an all time high. I just watched 4 episodes of Season 1 of The Vampire Diaries. And you know I had to watch Blood Brothers. Yeah, you got some stills here, but I could watch this scene on replay over and over again.
Let's just all take a moment to bask in his beauty. *Bows head*
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